
Provide Instant Cash Offers to Supercharge Motivated Seller Lead Generation

Instant Cash Offers = More Leads

Install on Your Website Or Use Ours

Unlimited White-Label Websites 

SEO Optimized

Real Estate Investor and Wholesaler Website

Your Website Should Be More Than an Online Brochure. It Should Be a Lead Generation Machine. 

With the Instant Offer Engine™ Motivated Seller white-label websites & instant offer funnels , you will be able to offer motivated sellers the irresistible promise of an Instant Cash Offer in 90 seconds on their home while doubling your leads.

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Instant Cash Offer Algorithm Powered By the Same Lender Grade Valuation Data Used By:

Lending Tree
Loan Depot

Why Instant Offer Engine™?

Motivated Sellers Visit Your Website to Get a Cash Offer Now.  Not in 24 Hours. Not in 10 Minutes. 


With the Instant Offer Engine™ Motivated Seller lead generation  website, you will be able to offer motivated sellers the irresistible promise of an Instant Cash Offer in 90 seconds on their home without the dreaded action of calling someone first.   Instead, they can take the more comfortable action of just entering their address in your website before giving up their contact info.

Motivated Seller's Want Offers Now

Today's consumers have been trained to get instant estimates on everything from car insurance to vehicle trade-in value. 

Instant Offers Equals More Leads

People's curiosity and need to know now leads to higher conversion rates than utilizing a generic offer request form. 

Higher ROI on Money You Spend

You spend a lot of money to generate motivated seller leads. With the Instant Offer Engine, you can drive more traffic and get more conversions. 

The Instant Offer Engine™ is the Lead Generation Funnel You Need To Bait and Hook More Motivated Sellers.

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What Our Clients Say


"If you’re a real estate investor looking for an edge...this is it!! The Instant Offer Engine™ increased our conversions, # of leads, closed deals, and, most importantly, revenue in both markets. The IOE team is constantly tweaking and innovating and customer service is top notch. If you’re asking yourself 'Do I really need The Instant Offer Engine?’ This is a no brainer…the answer is YES."

How The Instant Offer Engine™  Conversion Funnel Works


The Instant Offer Engine™ Is The Most Powerful Motivated Seller Lead Capture Website and Funnel For Real Estate Investors' and Wholesalers Cash Buying Websites

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Unlimited Instant Offer Engine™ White Label Websites

With Instant Offer Engine™, not only can you connect a funnel to your existing real estate investor website, but you can set up an unlimited number of cash home buying websites with your branding for multiple target areas or marketing campaigns. 

Instant Offer Engine Real Estate Wholesale Website Texas
Instant Offer Engine Real Estate Wholesale Website Austin
Instant Offer Engine Real Estate Wholesale Website Houston

With the Instant Offer Engine™, you can have a website for each area for multiple campaigns at no additional costs.

Unlimited Websites

That's right, you can set up as many websites as you want at no additional charge. Our subscriptions are based on the number of leads generated per account, not by how many websites you have.

Your Branding & Colors

With our white label websites, you get a professionally designed website with a proven track record of high conversion rates, all with your logo, colors, and contact info.

Multiple Target Areas

Create a website for each target area you want. Whether it's a Neighborhood, City, or State, you can have a website for as many areas as you want and customize the offer formula for each one.

Multiple Marketing Campaigns

Want Facebook Ads to go to one website and your Google PPC ads to another, no problem with our unlimited websites. Just create a new website and use a subdomain.(Like fb.website.com)

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Already Have a Website? ​You Can Install Our Instant Offer Engine™ Funnel on Your  Website

Carrot Real Estate Investor Websites
Lead Propellor Real Estate Investor Websites
REI Leadz Real Estate Investor Websites
Wordpress Websites
Vestor.com Real Estate Investor Websites
Minute Pages Real Estate Investor Websites
Carrot Real Estate Investor Website with Instant Offer Engine Funnel 1
Carrot Real Estate Investor Website with Instant Offer Engine Funnel 2

Just Enter An Address to See How The Instant Offer Engine™ Funnel Would Work With Your Website

Increase Trust & Conversions With The Instant Offer Engine™ Built In Social Proof Popup


Look down in the left hand corner of this site. You will see the Instant Offer Engine's built-in Social Proof Popup in action. These are motivated sellers that are asking for Instant Cash Offers from real estate investors just like you. 

Real Estate Investor Website with Social Proof Popup

Our Social Proof Pop Up Shows Every Web Visitor Other Home Owners That Request and Accept an Instant Cash Offer Across Our Entire Platform - Not Just From Your Site!

Social Proof Pop-ups have been shown to increase conversions by as much as 30%. Social proof gives motivated sellers the confidence and trust needed to request an offer and complete the Instant Offer Engine™ Funnel. No need to subscribe to another service for this, we include this with every Instant Offer Engine™ plan.

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Instant Offer Engine™ is Made to Be Set Up in Minutes by Anyone. Even Your Mom Can Do It. (Yeah, It's That Easy)


Powerful, Not Overpowering.  

With Instant Offer Engine™, you don't need to be a tech expert to create websites or conversion funnels. We provide the most powerful lead generation platform for real estate investors and wholesalers to get set-up in minutes

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Use Zapier to Follow Up With Motivated Seller Leads with Your Favorite Apps

Instant Offer Engine Example Motivated Seller Lead
Push Your Motivated Seller Leads from Instant Offer Engine Website to Your CRM Using Zapier

While we have a basic Leads Manager, with Zapier you can sync all your leads to your favorite CRM, email provider, Google Sheets, SMS system and so much more. Zaps handle work for you automatically, so you can focus on things that matter. You can create and customize Zaps in minutes. 

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Real Estate Investors and Wholesalers Using Instant Offer Engine™ Websites and Funnels To Generate More Motivated Seller Leads Today

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Dare to Compare. We Ain't Afraid.

All Instant Offer Engine™ Features

With Instant Offer Engine™, you don't need to be a tech expert to create websites or conversion funnels. We provide the most powerful lead generation platform for real estate investors and wholesalers to get set-up in minutes


Instant Cash Offers

Instant Offers are lead magnets that attract motivated sellers to your website & convert them to leads 

Unlimited Websites

Unlike other companies, we don't charge for multiple websites. 1 or 100, it's the same price

90 Second Set-up

With our white-label websites, just add your details, logo, and colors, and you are done in 90 seconds

Professional Design

Having a professional and appealing design is paramount to having higher conversion rates

Lender Grade AVMs

We use lender grade AVM's that are calculated monthly to insure the most accurate AVRs in the industry

Customizable Offers

Change the ARV% or repair costs to reflect your buy box and repair costs for different markets

Data Rich Leads

Besides the leads contact info, you will receive all the public property data on the subject property

Social Proof Pop-Up

These pop-ups show the most recent requests for offers and increase conversions

Powered by Amazon

We are hosted on Amazon Web Services to deliver the best in class speed, up-time, and security

Cloudflare Security

All websites are protected with a Firewall, DDoS protection, rate limiting, bit protection and more

Use Your Domains

Just point your domain or create a subdomain for your websites and be active instantly

Free SSL Certificates

No need to purchase an SSL certificate for your domains, we include one with every website


We autogenerate phone & laptop mockups to be used in your marketing materials and ads

 Zapier Integration

Use Zapier to push the new leads to your favorite CRM, SMS service, or other follow-up software instantly

Responsive Support

Have an issue or a question? Just visit our help desk to submit a ticket and we will hop on it without delay 

Training Videos

If you need some help just visit our help desk with videos and instructions.

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Need More Traffic? See 8 Unique Ways to Generate More Inbound Motivated Seller Leads 

See More Ways To Generate Motivated Seller Leads >>

A Letter From Our Founder


Hi, I'M Jason Blackburn and I am no guru...

What I am is a real estate investor like yourself with 30 years of real estate lead generation, sales, and marketing experience. I started my career in the manufactured housing business 30 years ago (want a good laugh - click on this TV Commercial  of me and my first company- oh lord it's bad). Anyways, in those 30 years I learned that we are all in the lead generation business and real estate is just how we get paid. 

If you are reading this, then you are asking yourself the same question I asked myself when I got into this part of the real estate industry; how do I get more people to my website (mine is www.whatsmyoffer.com) and how can I turn more of them into actionable leads?

We started with a WordPress site, probably like you, that had a form that asked for their information so we could call them with a cash offer. But our conversion rate was not as good as I expected based on past projects. We discovered people didn't want to give us their phone number, they wanted us to give them a cash number first. And when you think about it, don't you act the same way when you are looking for something online, whether that is insurance or car shopping?

So I figured out how to get them a number that was accurate (Lender Grade AVMs - not Zestimates), and get it to them fast. Then we changed all of our marketing  to revolve around our new Instant Offer Engine™. We had to change our follow-up a little, and we ditched the typical "Guru" lead generation tactics, and went with building our brand with a straight shooting call-to-action - "get a cash offer in 90 seconds".

If you want more motivated seller leads it's not really that complicated. Get your brand promise of an "instant cash offer" in front of as many targeted homeowners as you can, anyway you can, as often as you can and they will be attracted to your website and open to talking to you after they receive their offer. Remember every closing starts with a conversation, and to get those conversations started you need a hook that drives traffic and a website that converts,

And I have made it so easy to do this my mom can use it (seriously when she calls I answer the phone "IT department".) The truth is the Instant Offer Engine™ is simply a white-label version of my website and technology that has a proven track record of kicking ass.   

The Instant Offer Engine™ is for real estate investors and wholesalers that understand that websites are not about you - they are about delivering what is most important to their target audience, which in the case of motivated sellers is "how much can you give me?"

If you want to learn more about how the Instant Offer Engine™ works before signing up, feel free to click on the button below and schedule a call with me.  I promise you, I will not waste your time with "Guru" b.s., but will answer any questions you may have and listen to any concerns you have,. And if you have an idea on how we can make it better, I will listen to that too. Or you can just sign up now and have 10 websites set-up in that same 30 minutes. I promise it is worth it (and that easy).

Thanks for reading and I look forward to hearing your success story.


Jason Blackburn, CEO and Founder of Instant Offer Engine™
Have Questions Before Signing Up? Schedule a Call With Our Founder

Listen To Our Founder Discuss How the Instant Offer Engine™ Generated a  Wholesale Deal with a $67,000 Profit That Others Missed Out On

  • Big Deal Audio

Frequently Asked Questions

Can we customize our websites?

To  a point. Our templates are designed to be set up fast and convert even faster. You can change the logo, the colors, contact information, your domain, the offer formula, the background image in the hero section, the "about us" section and add reviews to the reviews page. We have tested this design and copy to create the highest converting website in the industry and have 3 years of testing and data to back that up. Even small changes to the design and copy can have a negative impact of the websites ability to convert at a high level. 

We are committed to continuous improvement, and value the input from our clients, so if you have a request feel free to contact us with it.

Will these sites rank high in Google?

There are so many factors that go into ranking well in the search results, from competition for the search terms, quantity and quality of backlinks, as well as original content. In designing these sites, we have optimized the design, structure, and speed to adhere to SEO best practices, and have included the most common keywords in the appropriate places to give the site a good chance to rank. 

We had one client that created an Instant Offer Website for a target area, and within 6 hours of creation the website was ranking #1 for "cash home buying company" in that target area, while his Carrot website of 3 years raked #81. And this happened before he mapped our site to his domain. (Crazy Huh?) However, this is no guarantee that our sites will rank higher for every search term in every market, but if you add reviews, build quality backlinks to the our sites, and install a blog for posting original content on a subdomain (blog.yourdomian.com) there is no reason our sites can't rank very well for you.

Instant Offer Engine Websites Outrank Carrot

That being said, we do not recommend that you rely on Google Search as your primary traffic source. First, in any given market the top 10 results are usually already dominated by big, established companies. So at best there are only a few spots available for local cash home buying companies.  Second, Google is always updating their algorithms and their search results page layout, and we believe that it is never a good idea to rely heavily on a traffic source that can change at any time and negatively impact your business. We hold to the idea that the best traffic is traffic that you create through PPC, direct-mail, signage, door hangers, display advertising, etc. as you have more control over the medium and the targeting.

I have a site that ranks well already. What is your advice on what to do with that website?

If you have a site that is ranking well, and is generating organic traffic, our advice is to keep it and let us install our Instant Offer Engine™ funnel to your site to convert more of that traffic to actionable leads. You can still use our websites at no additional cost to set up other target areas or for running PPC or Facebook campaigns. But if your site is not ranking well and not generating organic leads, then your budget will be better served to use our websites and point your domain to it.

Are these WordPress websites?

Nope. We know many of our competitors use WordPress to power their clients' websites, but we don't. The truth is WordPress was built for blogging, not to be a website builder. In order to turn it into a website builder, you have to install plugins and themes, that are often bloated, have buggy code, and have major security flaws. So we built the Instant Offer Engine™ from the ground up using custom code that we wrote. No bloat, no security vulnerabilities, and so much easier to use. Only what you need to attract and convert motivated seller leads and nothing else.

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A Few Words About Who we are

Founded by Jason Blackburn, a 30-year veteran of the real estate industry, we built the Instant Offer Engine™ technology for our own business, WhatsMyOffer.com. Since launch, the Instant Offer Engine™ changed our business. More Leads. More Deals. More Money. And since we have no desire to grow outside of our market area and had many requests from other REI professionals for our technology, we decided that what worked best for us, our business, and our lifestyles was to license this technology and system to other REI entrepreneurs. 
WhatsMyOffer.com Cash Home Buying Website

Don't Let Leads Slip Through Your Hands.
 It Will Cost You More Than Our Subscription.

Real Estate Investor Website ROI
"Just 1 extra deal a year that equals 10% of the median home price in the US would generate a $17,200 in additional profit. 10 more deals a year would be an additional profit of $172,000, a whopping 14,233.33% return on a $1,200 investment!"
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